29 MARCH 2023


RUSTENBURG – MEC Sello Lehari responsible for the Department of Community Safety and Transport Management meeting the taxi associations and the Bojanala Bus Company operating in the Rustenburg CBD. There had been complaints that the taxi operators are forcing commuters out of the busses and into their taxis.

There had been tensions in the public transport recently in the Province which led the MEC to declaring the Extraordinary Measures to deal with these conflicts.

The Chairperson of the North West Public Transport Intervention Team (NWPTIT) Mr Phenye Vilakazi informed the MEC that they have been engaging the parties to ensure stability in the Province. If not attended, these tensions could spiral out of control and spill outside the Province as these operators travel to neighbouring SADC countries as well.

In the Bojanala the intervention team registered three disputes which are part of those earmarked to be addressed through the extra ordinary measures.

This is part of the interactive engagements by the MEC with the public transport sector.

The MEC is accompanied by the Members of the Rustenburg Municipality Mayoral Committee (MMCs) for Public Safety, Cllr Virginia Mputle and Cllr Lebo Pule for Roads and Transport from the Rustenburg Local Municipality.

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