MEC Morweng honours legacy of Tata Madiba

Zeerust- The MEC for Community Safety and Transport Management, Wessels Morweng has reaffirmed his commitment to transform lives of the most disadvantaged in society. In upholding the legacy of Nelson Mandela, the MEC spent the day with learners of Mmakgaje Secondary School. During this occasion, MEC Morweng distributed 80 Shova Kalula bicycles to learners who walk no less than 3kms to school.

As a former student at the school, MEC Morweng is dedicated to ensure that the future of the current generation is secured. Therefore, relentless about limiting conditions that prohibit learning.

“Nelson Mandela has instilled in all of us a great sense of humility and humbleness. Moreover, it is because of him that we fully comprehend that education is a great equator, ‘that a daughter of peasant can become a Doctor…’

“I leave you with those words of Tata Madiba, that you use education as a tool to reach for your dreams. That is the reason why, we saw it fit to bring our campaign here today,” said MEC Morweng while addressing learners and encouraging them to prioritise their education against the social ills that many of them face.

Mmakgaje Secondary school is located in Moshana, a remote village just outside Zeerust. It is one of two schools in the area, meaning many face the difficulty of having to travel to school by foot. Very often, on rough terrain and harsh weather conditions.

The Department, through the Shova Kalula bicycles limits these difficult conditions for learners, by making school easily accessible so that learning continues to uninterrupted.

The school principal, Mr Phutulogo Mokgotu welcomed the gesture, adding that the school will be able to meet their desired pass targets of 90% in the upcoming National Senior Certificate (NSC) examination.

“We have refocused our efforts to ensure that learners attend their extra classes as well as weekend lessons. This is now very much possible by the mobility solution presented by the department,” Mokgotu said.

Shova Kalula is a programme aimed at accommodating learners who do not qualify for scholar transport service but still travel a distance of 3-5kms between school and their homes.